Support Groups
Homeschoolers have created networks of support to provide a way to make friends, get ideas and information, and to offer positive socialization opportunties to their children. You can join in! There are many groups to choose from, many with specific affiliations, like Christian groups or unschoolers' groups. Some are eclectic, inclusive, and open to anyone. Whatever your interest, you are sure to find other like-minded parents. And if you don't find what you are looking for, we've put together tips for starting your own group.
Local & State Groups
Support groups offer a way for those interested in homeschooling or new to home education to get information and support. They also offer opportunities for social activities, group learning, and networking. Find a support group near you in South Dakota.
National Groups
Tap into the national homeschool movement by connecting with these national homeschool groups and support organizations.
Social Media
Connect with other homeschooling using social networking tools. You can share tips and ideas, get support, collaborate on lesson plans, upload photos, and much more.
A co-op offers a way to share teaching duties with others who are excited and knowledgeable about a subject. It also offers an opportunity for your children to learn in a group and to make friends. Browse through this list of co-ops in South Dakota.
Umbrella/Cover Schools
An umbrella or cover school provides an alternative way for parents to fulfill governmental educational guidelines and requirements. Most offer a variety of services, which can include curricula, social activities, field trips, standardized testing, portfolio reviews, evaluations, and graduation materials, including diplomas. While umbrella schools do tend to the needs of homeschoolers, they are considered a type of private school in most states.
Resource Centers
Homeschool resource centers offer classes, materials, field trips, and other activities for parents and children alike. They are great ways to get new information, engage in group activities, and network with other homeschoolers.
Public School Programs
Public schools are increasing offering programs to appeal to homeschooling families, from classes to educational materials to computer and distance learning. In most cases, students enrolled in these programs are considered public school students rather than homeschoolers. Learn more about these programs and decide if these are right for your family.
Group Management
Learn how to start and manage a homeschool support group, including how to stay organized, how to handle conflict, and ideas for your support group.
What's Popular
The Homeschool Lounge
The Homeschool Lounge is a free online community exclusively for homeschool moms. The vision of The Homeschool Lounge is to connect homeschool moms from all corners of the web. Get advice, give advice, share, learn and laugh with those who truly understand you.
Catholic CM/TWTM Swap Group
A curriculum buy, sell, and swap group for those using a Catholic Charlotte Mason/Living Books/Classical method of home education.
AHSA-USA Email List
This list is an opportunity for homeschoolers to contact homeschooling attorneys and experts about homeschooling legal and litigation issues. It is an informal network of attorneys and legal experts that are concerned with litigation pending and threatened against homeschoolers. Its primary purpose is to exchange legal information within the profession, and to educate and support attorneys and experts involved in homeschool litigation.
This is an email group of Christian homeschoolers who teach their children using living literature.
Alliance for Parental Involvement in Education
The Alliance for Parental Involvement in Education is a nonprofit organization which assists and encourages parental involvement in education, wherever that education takes place: in public school, in private school, or at home. AllPIE offers a newsletter (Options in Learning), annual conferences and retreats, a book catalog, workshops, lending library and more.
Home education support groups
There are many home educators' support groups around the world, particularly in the USA and UK. These can be a good way of getting to know other families, finding out about local regulations or facilities, and for your children to mix with others of different background. This article discusses reasons for wanting a support group, how to start a home education support group, and possible group activities.
Home School Foundation
The Foundation's mission is to preserve parental freedoms, promote home schooling, provide assistance to needy home schooling families, and support like-minded organizations. The Home School Foundation is a supporting organization of the Home School Legal Defense Association. In June 2001, the Foundation replaced the Home School Legal Defense Foundation, initially established in 1992, to promote home schooling and to bless the home schooling movement. They help families through seven funds: the ...
South Dakota Christian Home Educators (SDCHE)
South Dakota Christian Home Educators (SDCHE) is a nonprofit volunteer organization that is dedicated to serving home educators across South Dakota and in neighboring states. They serve to encourage and serve families interested or involved in home education by assisting them in finding the information and resources necessary to teach their children at home, and furthermore, to work on behalf of such home-teaching families for the continued liberty to do so.
Teach Art at Home
A monthly newsletter that delivers free art projects and lessons that are contained on - the home of Masterpiece Art Instruction. Join the group and be the first to receive the new projects every month along with drawing lessons and fun ideas for using art to teach other subjects such as history and science.
Homeschool Leaders Support
This is a group for those who lead homeschool support groups, co-ops, or other groups for homeschool families to connect and talk about their common (or unique) issues and challenges of organizing, managing, leading, and growing groups are organized for homeschool families.
Homeschoolers face tremendous demands on their organizational skills. Frequently creative, hardworking, and goal oriented, they must manage the home, other children, teaching, and the many other demands of a stay-at-home parent. This board is designed to offer support, find solutions, and discuss troublesome situations. Although there are many aspects to homeschooling, the focus, the only focus, of this board is solving organizational problems related to home schooling. This group is a part of t...
Home School Foundation
The Home School Foundation is a supporting organization of the Home School Legal Defense Association. Their mission is to preserve parental freedoms, promote home schooling, provide assistance to needy home schooling families, and support like-minded organizations. They currently help families through seven funds: the Widows Fund, the Special Needs Children’s Fund, the Friends of Home Schooling Fund, the Generation Joshua Fund, the Compassion Fund, the PHC Scholarship Fund, and the Members Helpi...
CM While Working
For parents trying to utilize Charlotte Mason's (CM) methods while working.
This is a mailing list for people who home school or are thinking of homeschooling in South Dakota, kids and parents alike. Here you can exchange ideas, support each other, and share resources and information.
This list is for persons who are using or are interested in using the Charlotte Mason Philosophy for education (including homeschooling), or to enrich their own lives. Thislist espouses a Christian philosophy and is also a prayer list. It is also a very active discussion list, often 100 posts per day.
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